…sadly another delay in the launch of the new regional edition Por Larranaga Magnificos.
Now pushed back to 1st November but I do promise they will be worth the wait.
Hoping to smoke a Magnificos with Simon Chase of Hunters and Frankau when he comes to my office in the next few days to have a look at some of my vintage Havanas as I hope to assist in a small way in the choice of the next regional edition for the UK market.
To dull my sadness over this latest delay I zipped over to my La Casa del Habano in Hamburg to smoke some fantastic 2007 H Upmann no.2’s ( red band now) and it was not a let down.Best blending in years for this cigar…smoked 3 back to back whilst herfing with my partner Christoph,smoking buddy Zaff,Trent and Brian from Canada and a few of our local regular lunchtime smokers.
Unlike the UK….Germany and Hamburg in particular is very cigar friendly 🙂
The cigars were complimented with some splendid Edmundo Dantes 15 year old Cuban rum ( only 3000 bottles made ….2 less available now!) highly recommended 🙂
Peaceful puffing 🙂
DATE ARCHIVES : September 2007
More Por :-)
Por Larranaga…….
CGARS New website:-)
New website is launched…at long last 🙂 Well done Laura and thanks to our friends at Webstore. All comments and constructive criticism welcomed:-) Off for a Ramon Belicoso …try one yourself ! http://www.cgarsltd.co.uk/ramon-allones-belicosos-p-1105.html – Best Mitchell
Cohiba Esplendiddleedoos..no thanks!
Good grief! does one day go by without someone phoning to say ” Hi I just got back from Cuba with a very valuable box of Cohiba Esplendidos that I need to sell” to which my standard reply is ” great but we only buy the special vintage edition glass top boxes!!
So …. anyone from the UK is reading this,here is my advice:
-If you are going to Cuba have a fabulous time…it’s paradise for cigars smokers for sure
-If you are a cigar smoker,only buy from an official cigar store i.e. La Casa del Habano. Every cigar you are offered on the streets is fake regardless of what “story” you are told about ” my brothers hedgehog lives in the roof of the Partagas factory and managed to steal a box of cigars out of the factory and I’m selling them for 3 Pesos only gringo”
-If you are not a cigar smoker,don’t waste your time and money buying cigars and trying to sell them to me or anyone else….you have wasted your money and are wasting everyone’s time!
Cigars are sold in the UK by cigar merchants supplied by Hunters and Frankau the official distributors of Havanas in the UK.The cigars are duty paid ( yuk…damn tax in the UK) and strictly quality controlled to ensure that the cigars are of the best quality available,
Oh and for the uninitiated….there is no such thing as a “sealed box of Havanas” in the UK as Hunters and Frankau open and check every box of Havanas…if they would not….C.Gars Ltd would. That’s what you get when you buy the finest cigars from a cigar merchant that was established in 1817 and an importer that places quality of their Havanas beyond anything.
Congrats to Laura’s daughter Gemma on the birth of her baby “Summer Rose” ….so now Laura has had her baby Molly this year,Gemma has had a baby and we are just waiting for Laura’s mother Joy to announce that she is also ……..Ummm …maybe I shouldn’t even suggest it! Oh well any excuse to break out the cigars and champagne I guess
Por Larranaga Magnificos now due last week September…should have some interesting vintage cigar offerings in September as well ( if I don’t smoke them first!)
Well I’m looking forward to another washout bank holiday weekend in the UK no doubt continuing the worst summer weather on record…I think I’ll zip over to France for a change of scene and smoke some Monte 2’s with some decent Bordeaux
Have a great weekend.
Peaceful puffing and long ashes