I’m delighted to welcome Armando to our London office this week where he is rolling some delicious robustos for me and …for you 🙂 email for details [email protected]
Armando Risoto Perez is a 34 year old cigar roller from the Partagas factory in Havana. He has been working there for a total of 9 years, working his way up through the grades to become a top Torcedor, grade 9, which allows him to construct the most complex of sizes and shapes.
He thoroughly enjoys his work and is happiest when rolling. He is currently in charge of rolling the Salamones shape, yet with this shape being incredibly hard to make he can still construct over 50 a day.
He smokes cigars occasionally, preferring the larger sizes. His favourite at the moment is either a Churchill or a Prominente.
If you would like to see Armando rolling and smoke a fresh Havana, we welcome clients by appointment
Peaceful puffing