Bulleit Bourbon Cocktail and Recipe


Grilled Chicken Thighs with Pomegranate Molasses & The Shade Maker

We thought we would do something a little different with this week’s cocktail. So, what’s better than just a great cocktail? Answer; an equally delicious meal to accompany that cocktail! The recipe I have for you here comes from the fine folks at Bulleit Bourbon, and it seems that they also have great chefs on hand! I made this the other night and it was so delicious. For me, the chicken caught my eye. Moreover, you don’t need to follow the recipe, line for line.

First the cocktail.

The Shade Maker




  • Bulleit Bourbon (one part)
  • Unsweetened coconut milk (one part)
  • Pineapple juice (one part)
  • Simple syrup (a half-part)
  • Fresh lemon juice (a three-quarter part)
  • Ice (12-14 ounces/340-400 grams)


Combine all ingredients in a blender and then blend at a high setting.

Now for that meal.

Grilled Chicken Thighs with Pomegranate Molasses


  • Four chicken thighs
  • Four tablespoons of Cajun spice mix
  • A pomegranate (or just the seeds if easiest)
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil
  • Fresh green beans
  • A half-cup of hazelnuts (for toasting)
  • A quarter-cup of molasses
  • Water (one eighth of a cup)
  • Salt (a teaspoon)
  • Garlic (a half teaspoon, chopped)


  • If needs be, remove the pomegranate seeds.
  • Preheat the grill.
  • Season both sides of the chicken thighs with Cajun spice mix.
  • Grill the thighs for five to seven minutes on one side on a medium-high heat, then turn the chicken and cook for a further four to five minutes.
  • Add hazelnuts to a non-oiled pan, then toast for two to three minutes while the chicken thighs are cooking.
  • Add molasses, water, and half of the pomegranate seeds to the saucepan with the roasting hazelnuts. Bring to a boil and reduce by half, which should take about five minutes.
  • Remove the toasted hazelnuts from the pan and break them up. (NB: A tip from Brian Jupiter also known as “Chef Jup”: use the widest part of your knife to push down on half a dozen nuts at a time using the bottom of your palm).
  • Remove the chicken thighs from the grill when cooked through, then set aside to rest.
  • Add green beans to the pan used for hazelnuts, and sauté them with ga Then add the remaining pomegranate seeds and toasted hazelnuts, cooking everything for five to six minutes.
  • To plate up, place the green beans down first, with the chicken thighs next, on top. To complete, drizzle with pomegranate molasses.


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