C.Gars Cuban Cigars

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Why Buying Miniatures Could Be Worth It

A lot of people (myself included) have always wanted to get into whisky drinking but can't bear to spend that kind of money on a drink that you may not like. I’ve always had sips of other people’s whisky and found out that i didn't like it but i never let it put me off, after all there's lots of different types. That's where whisky miniatures are worth their weight in gold.

A few years ago I was the type of person who looked at everything financially, I'd be the person in the shop looking at prices and figuring out which products were better value for money regardless of whether it satisfied my needs or not. So when I heard about whisky miniatures I thought brilliant I get a little taster to see if I like the product and if I dont its not a big amount lost, however when I checked the prices and saw that the better value was to buy the bigger bottle I wouldn't try the miniature and always left myself wondering.

For example A 5cl bottle of C.Gars Malt is currently £5.95 and a 70cl bottle is currently £49.99 which means the better value is to have the big bottle but could I pay that sort of money not knowing if i’d like the product? The answer was always no.

But one day I ignored my instinct and decided to buy the miniature… and what a decision that was! I finally found a whisky that I liked and enjoyed! So I bought a full sized bottle and I didnt feel like I lost money, I felt great! So I moved on to other miniatures, Highland Park 12, Tomatin 12 year Bourbon and Sherry cask to name a few.

So the moral of the story is don’t let the financials get the better of your head if you want to try something new, buy the miniature, yes it costs a bit more per centilitre but it could be worth it!

Written by Oliver Partington

