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El Septimo - Rest of the World

At the beginning of the century, El Septimo launched a life-long project: to move away from tradition that limits the quality of the world’s most important brands, and instead offer consumers something new: the best cigars in the world, developed by cigar connoisseurs and master blenders. Tired of the same lackluster flavors, premature stocks, low-level manufacturing, lack of detail and quality control, and the widespread downgrade of Cuban crops, the El Septimo team decided to start from the beginning. The first step was to find the best raw materials: the perfect tobacco leaf. Boosted by the growing demand for cigars across the globe, intensive farming already had a catastrophic effect on the stock and depleted soil used by traditional brands. So, it was urgent to find new soil. Years of intensive research and visits to arable land around the world made the El Septimo team conclude that they needed to create their own supply by blending the best tobacco from the best fields all over Latin America, creating the perfect recipe … It would be the only means to get the standards they had previously agreed upon. Then, the team found the ideal place to plant & age their delicious seeds in the lush mountains of San Jose, Costa Rica The premium cigar and tobacco company continues to break boundaries by creating new products to meet and exceed the growing demand of premium cigar smokers.
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