C.Gars Cuban Cigars

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Romeo y Julieta Churchills Untubed Cigar - 1 Single

Romeo y Julieta Churchills Untubed Cigar - 1 Single

Date Added: Tuesday 07 June, 2016 by Staff

Reviewed by Michael Reed (June 2003)

THE WINNER JUNE 2003!!!!!!

I have a close friend who also enjoys cigars. We can't always afford them, but when we can we take the time to enjoy. I purchased a box of Romeo Y Julieta Churchill's from C.GARs in November of 2002, and decided to try the first 6 months later.

Jorge, and I opened a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue, and took our respective seats on the porch. My porch looks out over a wonderful-wooded area with lots of wildlife. I opened the box of R&J's, and we looked at its contents.

The first thing to note was the unbelievable aroma that emanated from the box. It was an earthy, hearty, deeply rich bouquet that enticed you to move closer for fear that it might escape. It didn't! As the even wore on I would occasionally pick up the box to taste the fragrance, and it never left. The sticks were clones of themselves. They were perfectly matched, and lined up it such a way that it was hard to believe that such perfection exists. Medium chocolate brown with a hint of tooth is how they presented themselves. There was a light oily sheen that made one think that they had been marinated some how, and left out to ripen. Jorge noted, when he picked up one of the smokes it was very firm, and commented on whether this might be a sign of being rolled too tight. We would soon find out! We spend some time inspecting the cigars. You can't help, but spend time looking, feeling, and touching such radiant treasures.

The cap was identical on each stick. It made two wraps, and disappeared into the body of the cigar. The cut was even, and crisp. I lit the cigar. The flame caressed the foot in a gentle manner as it began its slow burn. As the cigar took the flame a wonderful earthy-chocolate trail arose suggesting a hint of what was to come. The experience began with a spicy build up that was peppery with notes of coffee bean. The draw was very nice, and allowed you to savor the smoke with ease. R&J Churchills of the past have been very disappointing due mostly to problems with their draw. That was not the case with this cigar. As the experience moved into its next phase (about a ¼ of the way) the peppery/bean gave way to a chocolate/coffee blanket that seemed to embrace each and every taste sensor in my mouth. What a smoke! Then just as it seemed it couldn't get much better a new partner joined the dance. Half way down the stick a woody taste attached itself to the experience. I looked over at Jorge, and noticed he was glancing off into space. As I too looked up the sky was creating a static light show. Or, at least that's what I call it when lighting moves sideways across the sky. It seemed to cut the huge cloud of cigar smoke that lingered just above our heads. We continued our journey. Jorge smiled, and I knew what was coming. Its like a running joke with us... its moronic, and cliche, but someone needed to say it anyway, "You know it doesn't get any better than this!"

The experience ended with a long creamy finish that complemented the scotch perfectly. I'm also thinking a medium dry cabernet would have also been nice. Well, ...maybe next time. Lagging behind the lightening was a cool wind, and a light rain that calmed the evening even more. What a great experience!