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Nording Pipes

Erik Nording is one of the most highly respected pipe makers in the world! He is known for making high quality pipes with the utmost craftsmanship,  as well as them being some of the most remarkable pipes available today.

He began his pipe making career over 50 years ago however, at the age of 15 he was first working in his family business as a blacksmith and studying engineering at school -  Even during this time his true passion was making pipes and by the time he graduated school he had lost interest in being a blacksmith.

When Erik first started to make pipes, he used any material he could get his hands on - bamboo, clay and even corn cobs, but his business really took off when he started using briar wood.

In addition to the traditional pipe designs that Nording make, Erik has also designed many different lines. The Freehand range was one of his most popular in the 1960’s and 70’s and is now considered an important design for the business. These pipes are completely handmade by highly skilled craftsmen who work for Erik in his factory. Eriks dedication to quality and innovation is what has made him one of the most respected names in the pipe-making community.

Nording pipes are highly sought after commodities all over the world - even reaching Hollywood! Their pipes have featured in several films, including The Godfather and The Silence of the Lambs. 

In 1995 Nording released their first “Hunting” pipe. This is a range of pipes inspired by a different animal - each year they release a new design around hunting season based around a different animal, from ducks to elephants.

Whichever Erik Nording pipe you choose, you can be assured that it will be made with the best quality and precision. Each pipe will be handcrafted and quality inspected before it reaches your hand.

Click here to view the range of Erik Nording Pipes

Written by Oliver Partington (August 2023)
