There is only one Winston Churchill and only one cigar that can do justice to the man - but enjoy it twice over with this two cigar sampler!
Davidoff Winston Churchill cigars present a blend as complex as the man himself.
As one of history’s great statesmen, Sir Winston knew that balance was vital to fulfill his responsibilities. The leader of the nation and the man of the people. The politician and the humanitarian. The military strategist and the diplomat. And of course, a strong character. The same applies to this Robusto cigar. Its harmonised leather and dark coffee flavours courtesy of tobacco from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Mexico married to an oily, silky wrapper from Ecuador, also achieve a perfect balance. The pressures of statesmanship can be made tolerable when there is a fine cigar to be enjoyed.
Sir Winston Churchill was not a man to follow convention. When most people were thinking of their beds, Sir Winston found inspiration and creativity in the long dark hours of the night. The dark was where he found his spark.
Davidoff celebrates this facet of the Great Man with a special cigar – The Late Hour.
“Winston Churchill - The Late Hour” contains tobacco aged for six months in finest Scotch single malt whisky casks, a feat no one has attempted before.
The tobacco absorbs the aromas of the cask and whisky, which suffuses the cigar with a unique complexity, depth and the headiest of flavours, creating a unique stimulation of the palate.
To reflect the darkness during which Sir Winston was his most creative, Davidoff has selected a shiny and oily Ecuador wrapper in a beautiful dark chocolate colour.
“Every man has his day and some days last longer than others” – Sir Winston Spencer Churchill.
This sampler contains...The Late Hour -
The cask aged Nicaraguan Condega Visus tobacco, together with the two different Dominican Visus filler tobaccos and the dark Mexican binder unravels the complexity of this full-bodied blend. Beautiful, robust flavours of black pepper, dark coffee, sweetness, old leather, wood and spiciness tantalize the palate.
Statesman -
94 /100
"...This richly hued robusto burns evenly with a picture- perfect ash. Its ample, even draw leaves grassy impressions that take on a sweet-and-spicy gingersnap quality......"