In the world of premium cigars, Curivari cigars stands out as a boutique brand that places a strong emphasis on craftsmanship, tradition and flavour. They run a much smaller scale operation compared to many other brands, but despite this, Curivari has developed a loyal following among cigar smokers who enjoy quality and the Cuban-inspired approach to cigar making.
Based in Nicaragua, Curivari produces cigars that are entirely Nicaraguan puros - this means the filler, binder, and wrapper all come from Nicaragua. Nicaraguan tobacco, is well known for their earthy and peppery notes, which are often compared to Cuban tobacco. By using only Nicaraguan tobacco, Curivari are able to craft rich, complex cigars that appeal to those who enjoy both medium and full-bodied smokes.
Curivari are deeply influenced by Cuban cigar culture, this is not just reflected in their tobacco blends but also in the way the cigars are constructed. They use traditional Cuban rolling techniques, with an emphasis on creating cigars that are perfectly balanced in terms of strength and flavour. They also use authentic Cuban Criollo and Corojo seeds to try to put even more of a Cuban influence into their cigars
.While many boutique brands focus on creating powerhouse cigars with intense strength, Curivari takes a more subtle approach. The brand’s cigars are medium to full-bodied, byt they are characterized more by their balance and complexity than by sheer strength. This makes them a great choice for smokers who want a satisfying, flavourful cigar without the strong nicotine content.
One of the reasons for Curivari’s growing popularity is its diverse portfolio of cigar lines, each with its own unique flavour profile. Currently in the UK Curivari has released the Buenaventura line. It is the brands most popular offerings, it is known for it’s smooth earthy flavours and medium body. It has received great reviews for offering exceptional quality at a budget friendly price.
Other ranges currently not available in the UK include the Curivari Reserva Limitada - this is a more premium range that offers more strength and deeper flavours. It provides a luxurious smoothness that appeals to more experienced smokers. Curivari also has the El Gran Rey range. Celebrated for its complexity and rich flavours, it is full-bodied and bold, delivering notes of spice, dark chocolate and roasted coffee, making it a perfect choice for smokers who like a bit more of a punch.
For a boutique brand, Curivari put a lot of effort into their cigar craftsmanship, they have learned from the success of Cuban cigars and used their traditions combined with the excellence of Nicaraguan tobacco. We are very hopeful we will see more from Curivari in the UK very soon.