CLE stands for Christian Luis Eiroa, the man continuing the family's long tradition in the tobacco industry, which has a relatively rich history for a cigar company that was launched in 2012!
The Eiroa family has been involved in the cigar industry for many generations, dating back to their origins in Cuba. Christians grandfather, Generoso Eiroa, was a tobacco grower in the famous Pinar del Rio region of Cuba before emigrating to Honduras in the 1960s. Generosos son Julio (Christians Father), learned the family business and together with Christian they started making cigars using the traditional techniques combined with innovative approaches.
Before founding CLE cigars, Christian would become president of Camacho cigars, a very well known brand which gained recognition for it’s bold flavours. Eventually Davidoff would purchase Camacho and Christian would leave to create CLE cigars in 2012. With CLE cigars, Christian aimed to create cigars that reflected his family’s heritage and his own vision for the industry.
They operate out of their own factory known as the Aladino Factory, which is located in Danli, Honduras. This is where the brand’s cigars are crafted by highly skilled rollers and blenders under the supervision of Christian and his team. They are dedicated to sustainability and work closely with local farmers to ensure responsible farming practices and the preservation of the environment for future generations. They are also involved in supporting various charitable causes and community initiatives, participating in events and fundraisers aimed at supporting local communities.
Over the years, CLE has expanded its portfolio to include the CLE Corojo, CLE Connecticut and the CLE Asylum 13. They have collaborated with other prominent figures and brands in the cigar industry which has resulted in some brilliant and unique limited edition releases. They also have a strong emphasis on customer engagement and feedback. The company interacts with their customers through social media, events and cigar forums.
CLE cigars has received numerous awards for its cigars. They include high ratings from multiple magazines like Cigar Aficionado and Cigar insider, as well as recognition at prestigious industry events like the International Premium Cigar and Pipe Retailers trade show (IPCPR)
Click here to view the range of CLE cigars
Written by Oliver Partington