Davidoff pipes are meticulously curated for the ultimate in refined smoking enjoyment. Hand-crafted pipes, luxurious accessories and specially selected tobacco fill time beautifully.
For the Discovery pipes Davidoff have used briar wood from Calabria, with age, the briar root becomes tight and dense enough to resist both the heat of lighted tobacco and the juices produced during the smoke. The briar is dried for 10 years and the pipes are made in Germany. They feature a black matte design with a ring crafted in maple and tinted in yellow, orange and red, matching the pipe tobacco in the range.
Complete with Davidoff pouch and box.
This pipe has been individually photographed, so that the pipe you see in the picture is the pipe you will receive.
Approx. Dimensions
Length: 160 mm
Height: 50 mm
Chamber Diameter: 20 mm
Chamber Depth: 37 mm
Weight: 59 g
Filter: 9mm (included)