In the universe of Planet Ardbeg, the legendary purifier on the still – responsible for Ardbeg’s exalted balance – has disappeared!
Mysterious forces are rising at the Distillery. The balance of Ardbeg has been disrupted.
And an ominous dram, Ardbeg Heavy Vapours is the consequence…
The familiar harmony between peat and floral fruitiness has been distorted. Ardbeg’s UNTAMED darker flavours and notes have risen.
Nose: Smoke rises with a cloying sweetness. Intense, pungent and aromatic, a distinctive farmyard scent drifts, along with a crunchy aroma, like creosote or tarry rope.
Palate: Ardbeg’s untamed darker flavours and notes have risen. A burst of bittersweetness surges, disturbing ashy coal dust and casting a haze of cardamom, peppermint and coffee grits. Clouds of dark chocolate and mentholic eucalyptus roll in.
Finish: The aftertaste lingers long and bold, with an almost anaesthetising sensation.