C.Gars Cuban Cigars

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Hunters & Frankau Silver Chaveta  Award 2005

Hunters and Frankau, the UK's sole distributor of Havana cigars, held their annual awards dinner at Sartoria in Londons' Saville Row.

Attended by the top brass at Hunters & Frankau including Simon Chase, John Darnton and Ana Lopez as well as my dear friend Ken Brealy.

Retailers nominated this year for the Silver Chaveta award by the Hunters and Frankau board of directors for "UK specialist in Havanas of the year 2005 for outstanding contribution to the cigar trade included: 

Vimal from Burlington Bertie the finest Havana cigar merchant in the City of London IMHO ( 57 Houndsditch...please pay him a visit!) 

Robert from the Seegar and Snuff Parlour Convent garden

 Brett from Dunhill London

Ajay from Broadweighs cigars in Teddington

Grant from Herbert Love Glasgow

Mitchell Orchant representing C.Gars Ltd and Turmeaus tobacconist Est. 1817

Excellent champagne accompanied with Trinidad Coloniales, Robusto Extras and Cuaba Diademas were enjoyed over the course of the evening with a delightful meal.

 We spent the evening discussing the challenges and opportunities facing the cigar industry in the UK due to impending legislation over the next year and beyond.

I am very grateful to Hunters and Frankau for awarding me the Silver Chaveta as well as kindly inviting me to be their guest at the Festival del Habanos 2006 in Havana.

The beautiful Silver Chaveta was designed by Theo Fennell and is now proudly on display in our London offices.

Thanks to all of my loyal customers and of course my dedicated sales teams at C.Gars London as well as our retail cigars shops without whom I would not have won the award.

Good Smoking!

 Mitchell Orchant ( SmokeyMo)
Manging Director

The Silver Chaveta Award 2005 awarded to Mitchell Orchant - C.GARS Ltd

Annual Awards dinner menu from the Sartoria in Londons' Saville Row