Turmeaus Late Hour Cigar Store & Sampling Lounge Liverpool

Turmeaus Late Hour Cigar Store & Sampling Lounge
The Albany Building
8 Old Hall Street,
Liverpool, L3 9PA
Phone: 0151 236 3802
Opening Times:
Mon to Thurs: 17:00 - 23:30
Fri - Sat: 17:00 - 01:00
Sun: 15:00 - 21:00


Opening Times

The Turmeaus Late Hour Cigar Store & Sampling Lounge is the second phase of the development that provides an additional specialist cigar shop and sampling lounge that is open from 5pm - 11pm 6 days a week and 3 pm till 10 pm on Sundays. The sampling lounge has the best smoke filtration system in the world with 30 air changes an hour meaning that even when the lounge is full with clients sampling cigars, there is literally no smoke at all. It just gets eaten up... fast!

The Turmeaus Late Hour Cigar Store & Sampling Lounge offers an extensive range of Cuban and New World Cigars, including rare limited editions. Not only is it air conditioned but it has client humidified lockers for you to store cigars you purchase with us. If you are ever struggling what to buy then our cigar specialist David is often on hand to offer advice and recommendations.

Cigar Menu



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