Each and every Davidoff cigar is unique and distinct in flavour. Yet, they all have a familiar commonality that instinctively tells you – this is clearly a Davidoff. The reason? All of Davidoff's cigars are handcrafted by experts with a passion to deliver a level of sophistication and refinement that allows each aficionado to fill his time beautifully.
In the pioneering spirit of Zino Davidoff, Davidoff Master Blenders sought out a new blend that would stimulate both bitter and sweet taste buds. They finally found it in Nicaragua, where the earth is infused by the fiery activity of volcanoes.
The elegant Nicaragua Toro is spicy and peppery at the beginning, before evolving into a pleasant smoke with the familiar delight of the dual Davidoff sweet and dark bitter chocolate notes.
This Short Corona bestows the time to discover the sensorial adventure that is the hallmark of the Davidoff Nicaragua. The cigar bursts with the rich flavours of roasted coffee and dark bitter chocolate over sweet and creamy notes combined with spices and white pepper.
The traditional Nicaragua Robusto enchants with its gorgeous Habana Seed Nicaragua Rosada wrapper. This superb cigar starts with white pepper notes and spices, before journeying through the peaks and valleys of Nicaragua with creamy and then sweeter notes.
This elegant shape of the Diadema is the continuation of the Nicaragua journey. The beautiful Davidoff Nicaragua Diadema provides from the beginning a complex and balanced smoking experience, offering sweet and salty stimulation with some leather notes and a long aftertaste. The new format is aligned with the other Nicaragua cigar in the line regarding the bittersweet taste experience and the peppery & spicy characteristics typical of a Nicaraguan.
Please check with your local branch for in-store availability.
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