The caring. The lighting. The sharing. Anything that touches the enjoyment of cigars is important. And always has been. Just as Zino Davidoff pioneered storing cigars at their optimum with the development of the first humidor, we continue to apply the same commitment by delivering cigar pleasure at its peak.
Davidoff cigar cases protect your favourite cigars when you are on the move. Whatever the size or format, it is essential for your cigars to travel in an appropriate manner: protected in a carefully crafted leather-bound Davidoff cigar case to ensure storage in the best condition.
The new Davidoff cigar case collection is inspired by the time spent to expertly craft our cigars. Available in three designs that reflect the beautiful growing tobacco leaf – green, rich and full of life - to the curing of the leaves hanging to dry, to finally reaching the epitome of the enjoyment.
Please note: Some Davidoff items may be subject to a short dispatch delay. Please allow up to 6 weeks for delivery.
- Made with exclusively selected Davidoff soft and supple cowhide leather
- Holds 3 cigars
- Made in Spain