Happy Valentines day!

Many thanks to my clients for the overwhelming response to last weeks offer of Sancho Panza Gigantes Orchant Seleccion. They are all sold out now and the lucky buyers will be receiving their allocation over the next week or so. These full earthy flavour cigars have matured perfectly for over 10 years.. Not for the feint hearted! but great with a bottle of red 🙂

I may do an Orchant Seleccion sampler box next or perhaps my favourite Bolivar Belicosos. If you would like to be on the “Alert” list drop me an email. If you want to suggest what the next Orchant Seleccion should be please do let me know.

I’ve had a busy week smoking my way through the UK exclusive regional edition Punch Serie D’Oro no.1 and La Gloria Cubana Gloriosos. Havanas really don’t come much better than these two cigars. The look great and they smoke great. We are currently filling over 1000 back orders for these wonderful Havanas so if you ordered them you can expect them in the next few days or so.

If you haven’t ordered them… you are missing out on something special!

I took the squeezy Jet over to Geneva for lunch on Wednesday (as if I have not seen enough snow already!) and enjoyed a delightful long/decadent lunch at Brasserie Lipp where cigar smokers are very welcome. We enjoyed the Swiss regionals ( Bolivar Legendario and Juan Lopez Maximo) which were both very good smokes indeed …. although not a patch on the UK regionals! So if you’re in Geneva visit Brasserie Lipp http://www.brasserie-lipp.com/ you won’t be disappointed.

Looking forward to a Davidoff Mouton Rothschild from 1989 matched up with a bottle of Bilecart Salmon from 1989 with my valentine tomorrow 🙂

Peaceful puffing and happy valentines



Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day

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